华磊石业有限公司 Hualei Stone Industry Co., Ltd
异形 Irregular

异形 Irregular

异形 Irregular

异形 Irregular

盲道石 Blind Pathstone

盲道石 Blind Pathstone


我公司同时在吉林拥有吉林白大型矿山、南阳芝麻黑、芝麻灰矿山及大型生产、加工的厂地。在全国各地拥有自己的销售点,可按客户要求进行各种磨光、亚光、火、机创、荔枝、蘑菇等表面加工,矿石颜色纯正色差小,是纯自然面,适合建筑内装修板材及地面优于大理石。产品的优良及加工的精致,受到各地客户的好评,是室内外装修和园林绿化的佳品。华磊石业拥有优质的矿山及精良的石材加工厂,生产各种规格的锈石光板、火烧板、荔枝板等产品均色泽大方、纹里清晰,能充分满足现代人“返璞归真”的时尚追求,是现代高档建筑装饰的理想产品。公司每年都有大批的优质板材及其他产品出口韩国、日本、台湾、欧美等国家和地区 并销往全国各地,深受广大用户的好评。


Hualai Stone Industry is a well-known production enterprise of Shandong rust stone and Wenshang rust stone in southwest of Shandong Province. It is mainly engaged in the mining, development, production, processing, transportation and sales of Shandong rust stone and Wenshang rust stone. And the main production of Shandong rust stone varieties are: yellow rust stone, white rust stone, red rust stone, natural surface, mushroom stone, curbstone, special-shaped stone, flamed slabs of rust stone, natural mushroom stone, polished slabs of rust stone, bushhammered surface of rust Stone, etc. 

At the same time, our company has Jilin White large-scale mine, Nanyang sesame black, sesame grey mine and large-scale production and processing plants in Jilin. And we have our own sales points throughout the country, and we can take a variety of surface processing such as polished surface, honed surface, flamed surface, machine pulled surface, bushhammered surface, mushroom surface according to customer requirements. With pure color, and small color difference, is a pure natural surface, suitable for building decoration plate and the ground, and is better than marble. As the excellent products and exquisite processing, it won praise by customers all over the world, and is the best products of indoor and outdoor decoration and landscaping. Huailai Stone industry has high-quality mines and sophisticated stone processing plants, producing various specifications of rust stone slab, flamed slab, bushhammered slab and other products, with elegant color and clear grains, can fully meet the modern fashion pursuit of "return to nature". Thus, it is the ideal product of modern high-grade architectural decoration. Every year, the company has a large number of high quality slab and other products exported to South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Europe and the United States and other countries and regions and sold all over the country, is well received by the majority of users. 

The company pursues the purpose of "quality first, reputation first". In recent years, the company has cooperated with domestic urban construction companies to build many large buildings and stone projects all over the country. The company will create new brilliant for new century construction projects with excellent equipment, first-class products, the best reputation and the superior service!




